Page name: The Tower Of Seletar [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-04 09:14:28
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
# of watchers: 35
D20: 8
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Done by [Willow Rose]




In a great and ancient forest, in the middle of a clearing, is a large tower made of gems that shine with an inner light, with an enchantment of protection upon it.The inhabitants wear blue robes with arcane runes on the hem.This is the Tower of Seletar.

NOTE! This section must be looked at by new players!
~~Guide to the Tower of Seletar~~

~~The Rules of Seletar~~

~~The Seletar Story~~

~~Seletar Races~~

~~Different Classes~~

~~Deities of Seletar~~

~~Tower of Seletar's Player List~~

add your character's name @ that link.

~~Seletar Notices:~~

~~Special Thanks To~~

~~Seletar Chat Room~~

~~Npc Page~~

~~Semedia: Dragon Knights~~

The Tower of Seletar's Characters

More Players

Evil Characters

Neutral Characters

More Good Characters

~RP Rooms:~

The Hall of Seletar
The Grounds of Seletar
The City of Dowen
The Woods of Semedia
Claw Rift Mountains
Semedia: Dragon Knights
The Northern Caves
The Cursed Woods of Admore


Please place your requests below in the comment boxes Deities of Seletar


Semedia: Dragon Knights

The Expansion


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2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: hehe *dances with him*

2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: *joins in*

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: lol

2007-05-18 [Breenn]: *stands by himself i a corner* Ummm, I don't really like dancing...

2007-05-18 [loonygirl2005]: *rolls eyes and stays in a chair* Such meriment that is good but I'd rather pass on dancing.

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oi c`mon were havin a welcome back pary

2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: yea!

2007-05-18 [Breenn]: Not that I have anything against wlecome back parties. Just dancing. I can sing though.

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: well then doo that^^

2007-05-18 [Breenn]: OK. *starts singing*

2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: oooooooooo

2007-05-18 [loonygirl2005]: *smiles in the chiar*

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yaay party

2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: sry gotta go be back later

2007-05-18 [loonygirl2005]: it's ok bye have fun.

2007-05-18 [Breenn]: Man, it was just getting good too.

2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: I know sry, my grandma needs something done be back later guys

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: well talk to you later ^^

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: aww man...

2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: bye

2007-05-18 [Breenn]: Well, looks like I need to get going for now. Sorry to put a stall on the fun. =)

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: NO!!!!!!!! *crys* lol

2007-05-18 [Breenn]: Sorry, our "fight" will have to wait.

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: aww well ok see you later

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: ok..bye..

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: just me and you necra

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: my dad is taking my dogs away...

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: what,why??

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: idk..we moved and now they say the dogs don't go with the house

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh thats not cool

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: yea..

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: hey im gonna need help on this new thing its gonna be a rp i think loldies

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: ohhh nice

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah you wanna help out? you can be a realm manager

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: sure..hehe i'm filling things out now

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh ok,wait im gonna make a position better then realm manager to give you and a few thers,grand council member ^^

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: yay^^ lol

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: now your a denzien a mmber of the grand council^^

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: heheawesome

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: so you can accept applications and make roooms and evrythingg

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: i have to go now but be on tommorow tell slver about dies im saving her a spot on the council ^^

2007-05-18 [Lirerial]: kk

2007-05-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: im back

2007-05-19 [Silver Moon]: I will be on for a little while but than I gotta go, we leave early tomorrow

2007-05-19 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh ok

2007-05-19 [Lirerial]: kk

2007-05-23 [Breenn]: OK guys, I've talked to Silver Moon on the phone, and she said not to do anything until she gets back from vacation.

2007-05-23 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh ok

2007-05-23 [Lirerial]: summer vacation??

2007-05-23 [loonygirl2005]: she went to flordia. she won't be gone the whole summer.

2007-05-23 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh well thats good,i couldnt bear not rping all summer XD

2007-05-23 [Lirerial]: yea..same here^^ ok then

2007-05-23 [Aki Neko]: *are we in th rping right now?*

2007-05-23 [loonygirl2005]: no

2007-05-24 [Aki Neko]: yay~ im staying till we do then. i keep missing alot.

2007-05-24 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: it wont be for a while

2007-05-24 [Aki Neko]: huh....

2007-05-24 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: we cant rp till moon gets of vacation......

2007-05-24 [Aki Neko]: ah...^ ^

2007-05-24 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah

2007-05-24 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: I am back guys!

2007-06-03 [Xeroh Kanoe]: w00t!!!!!1

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: ^-^ thnx

2007-06-03 [Xeroh Kanoe]: There haven't been many people on... *sad*

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: I asked them to hold off till I got back

2007-06-03 [Night Prowler]: hey!congrats....where is everyone anyway?(here,not like...meh i mean in the Seletar thing!) that was quite a while without even any chit-chat in here!

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: I don't know.. I am still trying to sort out what you guys did while I was gone

2007-06-03 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I personally haven't done anything.

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: where was your char last?

2007-06-03 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Dragon Woods flying between trees with no particular destination.

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: ok I will try to think of something, weren't you looking for someone though?

2007-06-03 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I don't think so... Ryu tends to just wonder around untill something happens.

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: ok so you haven't run into the areas of interest yet

2007-06-03 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Nope,I got to go for the night.

2007-06-03 [Night Prowler]: AHA!I remember now...i was sleeping somewhere.......haven't done anything but that.what's dragon woods?

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: ok night Kris. its another area of the rp, it is past the Mts. though Prowler

2007-06-03 [Night Prowler]: oh, thanks!well, i got my computer fixed today so i'm gonna be up all night...probably finish some stuff on illustrator, but if you want i can try doing something here for a while.
Not to stir the pot or anything, but how did LO die? Don't think i was here or watching the part he died in and i'm kinda curious...

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: The god of death killed him. I think you are at the ruines aren't you?

2007-06-03 [Night Prowler]: Oh,god of death...AWESOME!!
nah, i'm at the looking dragon still.

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: oh ok were you in one of the rooms or in the common room?

2007-06-03 [Night Prowler]: one of the rooms i think.

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: ok if you are in one of the rooms mybe you could go to the common room. where you looking for someone?

2007-06-03 [Night Prowler]: Yeah!that one guy who's always drunk or something....something about a werewolf is all i can remember.

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: ok he is in the common room

2007-06-03 [Night Prowler]: ok,i just need to reinstall illustrator then i'll come back here.

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: I will try to stay up a little longer, but I may be asleep. I will try to get on tommorrow

2007-06-03 [Night Prowler]:'s all screwed up......

2007-06-03 [Lirerial]: hehe yay you're finally back!!!

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: thnx we can noiw start the rp up again

2007-06-04 [Lirerial]: great!!!!

2007-06-04 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Donate to your favorite fang.

2007-06-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yaaay moon is back^^

2007-06-04 [Night Prowler]: ...that site is boring!

2007-06-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah it is

2007-06-04 [Night Prowler]: you have to pay to get a cool pic and's annoying!plus the gay time rules and's very tedious and hardly worth the effort put into playing!

2007-06-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah i know i have an account and ts really gotten bvoring as hel

2007-06-04 [Silver Moon]: what did? Bite fight?

2007-06-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah bite fight

2007-06-05 [Silver Moon]: weren't you the one who wanted me to join that? lol

2007-06-05 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah i was,then i got bored with it ^^

2007-06-10 [Silver Moon]: lol k

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ^^ were on at teh same tie finally^^

2007-06-10 [Silver Moon]: lol how are you?

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: im goood how about you?

2007-06-10 [Silver Moon]: good

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ^^ so we rping or you busy?

2007-06-10 [Silver Moon]: we4 are rpging but Zateria isn't on

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh yeah :(

2007-06-10 [Lirerial]: I'm finally back..sry everyone thxs for waiting

2007-06-10 [Silver Moon]: np and yes we are

2007-06-10 [Lirerial]: hehe sry...I'm finally back my dad made me get off

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: im here ^^

2007-06-21 [*(.Randi.)*]: *knocks* YOO HOO! Hi! I'd like to play? :D

2007-06-21 [Lirerial]: hey^^

2007-06-22 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: wheereeee????

2007-06-27 [The Gray Wolf]: Mind if I join?

2007-06-27 [Lirerial]: nope^^ go ahead^^ hehe we could use some more players

2007-07-07 [lonelywolf]: Can there be a half drow half dragon?

2007-07-07 [Lirerial]: yes I think so...

2007-07-07 [Fearathress]: THat would be an interesting mix.

2007-07-07 [Lirerial]: hehe yup yup^^ hope you do it^^

2007-07-07 [Fearathress]: So do i. ^_^

2007-07-08 [Silver Moon]: Yes there can be. To the woods people what is going on?

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: No clue. XD

2007-07-08 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: um i iced thedrow who held zarie captive

2007-07-08 [Lirerial]: damn it don't tell me I missed everything...and Silver being here...*walks to a corner and curls up and crys in despair* lol

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: lol

yea i missed it too. XD

2007-07-08 [Lirerial]: darn....*crys some more* hehe^^

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: lol

*crys with*

2007-07-08 [Lirerial]: this is

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: yes it is. XD

2007-07-08 [loonygirl2005]: *smiles* Oh well I guess we need to entertain ourselves until Silver Moon comes back.

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: I agree.

2007-07-08 [Lirerial]: lol yup yup^^ why don't you join our crying circle thing...XD

2007-07-08 [loonygirl2005]: lol no I will offer conciling.

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: lol


2007-07-08 [Lirerial]: *turns around wildly* WHAT!?!?!

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-07-08 [loonygirl2005]: *falls to the floor* Ouch.

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: 5 down.. 5 more to go

2007-07-08 [Lirerial]: haha *points wildly in three different directions at once* LOOK KILLER BUNNIES!!!!!!

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: hehe..killer bunnies my specality

2007-07-08 [Lirerial]: yay^^ *jumps up and down clapping like an idiot* lol

2007-07-08 [loonygirl2005]: uh killer bunnies?

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Yep

Hey yall want to rp in a active rp right now go to Vampyres rpg

2007-07-20 [Breenn]: Hey guys, long time no see. Anyway, I'm here on Silver Moon's request. She's lost her phone line,and thusly, her dial up connection, so (once again) she's not going to be able to get on for a bit. She has asked that play cease for now, since she's already so far behind in what's going on.
So that about covers it. See you around.

2007-07-22 [July 47]: Silver Moon will be attempting to get on around midnight to catch up on what has taken place, after she does that play will resume on the game. she is very sorry about the delay in game play.

2007-07-22 [Lirerial]: yay^^ ok

2007-07-23 [Fearathress]: Alright.

2007-07-25 [Silver Moon]: sorry guys gotta go be on later

2007-07-25 [Fearathress]: k bye

2007-07-25 [Xeroh Kanoe]: So long and thanks for all the fish. I shall say these lyrics before you go.

And chicks dig Stormtroopers...big time
their like...intergalactic rockstars
stormtroopers get laid men, but not me
if i want a little love, i got to hitch a ride to mos eisley
50 cents for a wookie prostitute
50 seconds pleasure
and 50 years of regret...wookie love is pointless
my life is pointless
i gotta get ya of this planet

2007-08-01 [Breenn]: Hey, it's me again. Poor Silver Moon just can't catch a break. She really wants to play, but this time, her power is out, and she can't get online. Again. She would appreciate it if play would pause until power is restored.

2007-08-01 [Bloody Remnant]: i only have one character to look after now anyway. i have to wait for stuff to happen where he is.

2007-08-02 [Fearathress]: k

2007-08-02 [Bloody Remnant]: any idea when silver moon will be back.

2007-08-05 [The Gray Wolf]: Never!! Mwhahahahahahah!!!!!

I take that back. Cause if something did happen to where Silver Moon couldn't come back then I would feel really really bad...

2007-08-05 [Bloody Remnant]: and we'd never get to play again cuz no one would know she couldn't get back on.

2007-08-06 [Xeroh Kanoe]: What about Breenn?

2007-08-06 [Bloody Remnant]: no clue who that is.

2007-08-06 [Breenn]: I'm Breenn, thank you.
Power at Silver Moon's is still intermittent, but getting better. Something about a blown power circuit. I'm not sure. She was telling me that at this point it would probably be easier to just wait until we go to college. We're not sure. I'm going to be seeing her Wednesday, so I'll talk to her about it.

2007-08-07 [Bloody Remnant]: ok thanks for the heads up.

2007-08-23 [inuhime]: Is it to late to join?

2007-08-26 [Silver Moon]: No you can join any time. Listen guys I am going to be updating the tower for a while is any one interested in helping? The will get their names added to the special thanks list.
I could use help on some of the pages and if anyone knows anyone willing to do art than I would appreciate it.
Sorry for the long wait on getting back to you guys, I am now at college so I should be able to get on on weekends and maybe other times.

2007-08-26 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I'll help.

2007-08-26 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: indeed so will i

2007-08-26 [Fearathress]: I would gladly give my help but shcool starts tommarow and belive it or not i am already behinde on hw. XD Gotta love skipping classes.

2007-08-27 [Lirerial]: I'll help!!!

2007-08-29 [Silver Moon]: Thnx guys! I really appreciate it. We are pretty much going to update nearly everything and add more races, classes, and landscapes, if you guys have Ideas I am all ears. let me know what you want to help with too

2007-08-29 [Lirerial]: can I do races?? I kinda really enjoy doing that^^

2007-08-30 [Bloody Remnant]: can stuff happen in the bar so i can do stuff?

2007-08-30 [Silver Moon]: Sure can do races

Remnant I will see what I can do for you

2007-08-30 [Silver Moon]: what do you guys think about the grounds pic

2007-08-30 [Fearathress]: pretty!

2007-08-31 [Lirerial]: yay!

2007-09-01 [Bloody Remnant]: who all is on right now?

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: Sorry been busy with homework. I took that pic at Bach sanctuary in Florida

2007-09-01 [Fearathress]: its gorgeous.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: I loved the place, A guy from Holland had it built by a famous architect, and he had a famous gardener make the grounds, as a thanks to the American people for a wonderful visit

2007-09-01 [Fearathress]: Wow.

2007-09-01 [Silver Moon]: yea

2007-09-02 [Bloody Remnant]: we need more ppl to be active on here right now.

2007-09-02 [Silver Moon]: i wish i had a way to contact them

2007-09-02 [Bloody Remnant]: me too. more happens when more are active. makes more to react to.

2007-09-02 [Silver Moon]: I know

2007-09-02 [Bloody Remnant]: right now i'm working on making more rp character so i can sread out the abilities i like to use between them.

2007-09-02 [Silver Moon]: lol kk

2007-09-03 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: Mind if I join?

2007-09-03 [Silver Moon]: No go right a head ^-^ as long as you agree to the rules than you are welcome to join

2007-09-03 [Silver Moon]: How would you guys feel if I introduced a point system to the tower? This will insure people don't make their char to powerful

2007-09-03 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I don't mind.

2007-09-03 [Silver Moon]: That's good. I don't know how many people would be happy with it though

2007-09-03 [loonygirl2005]: don't mind either.

2007-09-04 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: I wouldn't know it any other way.

2007-09-04 [Lirerial]: um..I have no idea what a point system is^^;;; sry
oh and I might not be very active for a couple of days because my internet is seriously screwed up at the moment

2007-09-05 [Silver Moon]: a point system is where I will give you a number of points that you place in your ability scores, the higher your experience the more you get

2007-09-05 [Fearathress]: sounds fine.

2007-09-05 [Bloody Remnant]: i forsee problems with your system.

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